Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Can South Park have Another Biggest Douche of the Universe award?

Mel Gibson--as beloved and sensitive as Ty Cobb....
I've been trying to figure out where the heck I read some columnist's take on the Mel Gibson drunk-diva Diana Ross/Liza Minelli-style breakdown. The point of the column was that Mel readily apologized to the "Jewish Community" for his anti-Semitic remarks during his DUI arrest in August, (the remarks were the type which was the sort of thing Posse Comitatus members say to one another in greeting--"Hey, Bob, the fucking Jews, huh?" "Hey, what's up Dan, yeah, they're responsible for all the wars in the world....")
However, Mel couldn't be bothered to apologize to women anywhere for his strip-club style toss-off to a female sergeant, "sugartits," nor could he be bothered to apologize for over ten years of homophobic comments and images in his long collection of glorified snuff films. The column I can't find pointed out the hypocrisy of Hollywood and the general public in just basically turning a blind eye to Mel's refusal to own up to his own bigotry to women and absolute pathological homophobia.
On the other hand, Mel as odd apologists. On The Advocate website,gay screenwriter John Morgan Wilson defends St. Mel the Stylite; perhaps John never read the notorious El Pais interview,. John suggested that we not throw stones at Gibson (although you gotta know that Mel would certainly approve of a world where stones are thrown at the local sodomites) because, after all, we have all shot off our mouths now and then.
How's this, John--when Mel sets up afund in Matthew Sheppard's name to combat homophobia, we'll think about it, ok? In the meantime, why waste your breath taing up for him? Sure, he has a right to produce whatever bullshit he wants, and we have the right to boycott him and remind him and the general public that antiSemitism and homophobia are not socially acceptable. If we never say anything, how the fuck is he supposed to learn? I will be more than happy to throw stones every damn day!

GIBSONWatch now begins, to keep track of more hilarity.....

Most recently, Mel turned all antiwar political, 'cause that kind of thing really attracts the chicks, stating tersely, ""The precursors to a civilization that's going under are the same, time and time again. What's human sacrifice if not sending guys off to Iraq for no reason?" See Story Here

No wonder Mel feels that way--Iraqi Militias have a grand time hunting homosexuals--our soldiers might interfere with local gay-bashing ......AF

Monday, September 25, 2006


Yesterday at Church there was a visiting Pastor who was using an alias to protect his identity while he travels around to LGBTQ churches preaching the Word. I enjoyed his teachings, but the many contradictions hit me soon thereafter. How can you preach that one should have courage when speaking the Truth, then do so only using an alias? A few of us from Church took the Pastor out for dinner. The dualities became even more apparent over Greek food. The Pastor, who came out late in life, began talking about the nature vs. nuture argument for determination of homosexuality. Everyone at the time engaged in the banter about whether the domineering mother or genetic composition caused us to be as fabulously queer as we are.

That was about the time I had to cry foul. Why is the Pastor, and each of us, looking so hard for vailidation? It is as if gay people really need someone to either confirm that it is okay to be gay or to come up with a biological reason for being gay so that it's okay. Who cares if it is biological, social, psychosocial, or just psycho, it is what we say it is. Isn't it our Constitutional right to love who we want to? Alright, but shouldn't it be? As long as who we are banging isn't classified as a farm animal, we don't need anyone's seal of approval. Even at that, you have to admit that the coy advances of domestic sheep are hard to turn down.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


What a fabulous life it is! In the spirit of celebration and embracement of all that is Queer, this arena sets forth to find a new paradigm on those things that affect the many members of the LGBTQ community and those that love and support us.

Some things here are funny. Some are serious. Some are really bizarre. In the end, they're all Queer. Now turn off your cell phones, the show is about to start.