Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Florida Political Candidate Channels God

QueerWayLast week Katherine Harris - a Republican Senatorial candidate from Orlando - denounced Sen. Bill Nelson as being Unchristian because he votes contrary to what (Christians) say and believe. The divine Ms. Harris also decided to take a whack at the Consitution's Establishment Clause remarking that the separation of Church and State is a "lie we have been told." Ms. Harris went on to other Christians to get involved in politics to prevent the legislation of sin.

Now perhaps you remember Ms. Harris from another Florida event - the 2000 Presidential election. Our darling Ms. Harris was then Secretary of State charged with overseeing the election recount. Ms. Harris was also in the news for alleging a thwarted attack on a Carmel, Indiana power grid by a man of "Middle Eastern heritage." Unfortunately, the town of Carmel and the House Intelligence Committee steadfastly denied that the alleged event ever took place. Ms. Harris stuck to her story though, stating that she had been given classified information and she could not reveal any further details. Kind of reminds me of the election. She couldn't really say how the votes were counted that made Bush the winner, they just did. I guess she is part of some super secret government voting committee that is so secretive that is she tells us how she counted the votes she would have to kill us.

I think there is one more theory though - God told her Bush won. She didn't even need to do a recount. Yep, this woman is going to make one fine Senator. She can spot an phony Christian at a hundred yards, she knows about imaginary terrorist plots by imaginary Middle Eastern men, and she doesn't have to follow the Constitution because it is a lie. What else could voters ask for? Besides, everyone better get behind Ms. Harris in this election. If not, Katy is going to call up God on her cell and have everyone who didn't vote for her cast into the fiery depths of Hell.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Alchohol Induced Homosexuality


It appears that Congressman Mark Foley (R-Fla.) has checked into rehab after vacating his office over a scandal involving explicit emails to a number of underage Congressional pages. The published emails are not explicit in nature, in fact, it is the unpublished emails that are referred to as being sexually explicit. Washington Post These same emails, according to some fellow Democrats, warrant prosecution as attempts to victimize underage males.

Like many stories that come out of Washington, this story has snowballed rapidly. It was a favorite over the weekend on any news channel and seems to be escalating still. This morning the news kept replaying an interview with a former page who allegedly knew of Foley's follies. The former page said he figured it was only a matter of time before Foley "came out."

This story, while disturbing enough on its face, is even more disturbing in watching the way the Congressman, the media, other politicians, and former pages are acting in the aftermath. The media is doing what it does best, making a big story. The Republican party is scrambling to do damage control and the Democratic party is coming out in force to denounce the actions of the hideous monster Foley. The former pages, none of which have come forward as having actually been victimized beyond receviing suggestive emails, are vying for TV time to point fingers. Worst of all, Foley's camp today announced that he has entered an alcohol rehabilitation program to deal with his self-identified alcoholism.

Not only has Foley provided fodder for anti-gay sentiment on a nationwide basis, but he also decided to draw a parallel between his pedophilia and alcoholism. Foley must have consulted our friend Mel Gibson on the best approach to his dilemma. Apparently Mel, with his alcohol induced racism, sexism, and antisemitism, provided wise counsel to Foley. What could be more plausible then alcohol causing you to repeatedly send inappropriate emails to underage boys? If alcohol causes you to turn into a raging antisemite, it most certainly turn you into a raging pedophile, right? It is time for our public figures to grow up. If you are a movie star that has your worth determined by the number of people that pay to see your movies, you have a responsibility. If you are a politician whose worth is determined by the number of people willing to cast votes for you, you have a responsibility. It isn't alchohol that makes you say hateful things or talk dirty to young boys, it is your own ego that makes you think you can get away with whatever you want. Now that you know you can't get away with anything, put the blame where it belongs, on yourself.