Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Feeling Good For Free

The last couple of weeks have just been a feeding frenzy of falling celebrities. Paris with her going to jail saga, the Hoff with his daughter taping his drunken stupor, Kim squealing on Alec for calling their daughter a little pig, and the adorable Ty Pennington being charged with a DUI. It sure is hard to be a celebrity these days with everyone watching every move you make. Sure, I know that it is great press and we all love to read and talk about it - just like I am doing right now. The other day I was watching an interview with the Shia LeBeouf who stars in the new thriller Disturbia. He was going on about how people who watch movies are just voyeurs who don't want to face their own lives and their own realities. I thought, isn't that bitch? I am going to pay to see your dumb-ass movie and you think that my life is so pathetic that I'd rather pay $10 bucks to watch you for an hour and a half than face my own dismal reality. Well, Shia, you don't understand that all I have to do to feel better about my life is to go to TMZ.com and watch all of the celebrities just like you screw up their own lives. And the best part, Shia ol' buddy, I can watch it all for free.

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